Our Research

At the African Center for Health, Climate & Gender Justice Alliance (ACHCGA), we are committed to advancing research that informs and enhances our efforts in climate action, resilient health, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), including (but not limited to) HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, human rights and gender justice. Our research is conducted through a collaborative and ethical process, centered on youth aged 18-35, key populations among other vulnerable groups. Our research findings are disseminated through publications, social media, and other platforms. By forging partnerships with UNFPA, SRHR, Gender and Human Rights coalitions, we harness the power of youth to co-create innovative solutions and evidence-based strategies. This commitment ensures that our interventions are not only grounded in rigorous research but are also responsive to the needs and rights of the communities we serve, ultimately contributing to the realization of a just and equitable world. We believe that  by highlighting the intersectionality of gender with other social factors, we can address the root causes of inequality more effectively

Applied Research in Agriculture

The African Center for Health, Climate & Gender Justice Alliance (ACHCGA) is also dedicated to eradicating malnutrition and food insecurity through the strategic implementation of regenerative agricultural practices. This holistic paradigm integrates sustainable farming methodologies that revitalize ecosystems, augment soil fertility, and foster biodiversity. We also work in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry to implement the National Climate Change Action Plan (Kenya) 2023-2027. Within Narok County, our research focuses on pioneering regenerative techniques for livestock, sophisticated water harvesting systems, and the deployment of renewable energy sources, notably clean cooking gas. By adopting a circular land-use model, we optimize agricultural practices for seasonal variability, thereby maximizing yields and enhancing resilience to climatic fluctuations. This comprehensive approach not only addresses present-day nutritional challenges but also secures a sustainable and equitable food system for posterity while at the same time endorsing the Youth National Climate Change Action Plan 2023-2027 Engagement.

Our publications