Our Programs

The African Center for Health, Climate & Gender Justice Alliance is committed to revolutionizing agriculture through innovative and sustainable practices. By harnessing Kenya’s favourable climate and agricultural potential, we empower smallholder farmers and herders to adopt climate-resilient strategies, expand market access, and foster economic growth.

Circular Economy in Action

We champion a circular economy approach, maximizing resource efficiency and minimizing waste. Our initiatives include:

  • Bagasse Upcycling: Transforming sugarcane byproducts into bioenergy, animal feed, and biochar, thereby reducing waste and enhancing soil fertility.
  • Organic Waste Management: Composting organic waste to produce nutrient-rich fertilizer for sustainable crop production.
  • Biochar Production: Converting agricultural waste into biochar improves soil health, sequesters carbon, and enhances water retention.
  • Fermentation Processes: Generating biogas and organic fertilizers from organic materials to reduce waste and produce clean energy.
  • Insect Farming: Cultivating Black Soldier Fly larvae on organic waste to produce high-protein livestock feed.

Regenerative Agriculture Practices

We promote regenerative farming methods to restore soil health, enhance biodiversity, and build resilience. Our focus areas include:

  • Cover Cropping: Protecting soil from erosion, improving soil structure, and increasing organic matter.
  • Crop Rotation: Diversifying crop planting patterns enhances soil fertility and reduces pest and disease pressure.
  • Reduced Tillage: Minimizing soil disturbance to preserve soil structure and reduce carbon emissions.
  • Composting: Recycling organic waste into nutrient-rich compost to improve soil health.
  • Planned Grazing: Managing livestock grazing through holistic land management to promote grassland health and prevent overgrazing.
  • Grass Reseeding: Re-establishing native grasses to enhance biodiversity and soil stability.
  • Agroforestry: Integrating trees with crops and livestock to create diverse and resilient agroecosystems.

Land Restoration and Rehabilitation

We undertake comprehensive land restoration initiatives to address soil erosion, improve water management, and restore ecological balance. Our efforts include:

  • Reforestation: Planting trees to enhance soil stability, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration.
  • Irrigation Management: Implementing efficient irrigation practices to optimize water use and prevent salinization.
  • Soil Conservation: Employing soil conservation measures to reduce erosion and improve soil fertility.

Empowering Women and Building Resilience

By prioritizing women’s participation and leadership, we aim to enhance food security, improve nutrition, and build resilient communities. Our initiatives include:

  • Capacity Building: Providing training on sustainable agricultural practices, financial management, and market linkages.
  • Access to Resources: Facilitating access to quality livestock breeds, inputs, and financial services.
  • Market Development: Creating market linkages for women farmers to access fair prices for their products.
  • Health and Nutrition: Integrating health and nutrition services into agricultural programs.

Through these integrated approaches, we are creating a sustainable and equitable agricultural landscape that empowers women, protects the environment, and improves the livelihoods of rural communities.