We are the African Center For Health, Climate & Gender Justice Alliance (ACHCGA), a mighty force of young Kenyans rising to the challenge of our time. We are the generation who inherits this planet, and we refuse to stand by as climate change threatens our health, our communities, and our very future. We  are passionate about  promoting women’s and youth’s involvement in gender, climate change, SRHR and GBV in Kenya through advocacy, cooperation, collaboration, social outfit models, institutional mechanisms, support for new technologies and innovations, and a combination of these strategies

Our Goals

The center focuses on achieving a future where everyone can thrive in a healthy environment. This requires addressing three critical issues:

  • Climate Action: Mitigating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change that are already happening.
  • Resilient Health: Strengthening healthcare systems and communities so they can withstand and recover from climate-related shocks and stresses.
  • Gender Justice: Ensuring that everyone, regardless of gender identity, has equal access to resources and opportunities to address climate change and build a healthier future

We achieve this through:

  • Promoting Women’s and Youth Involvement: We actively work towards this goal through all our initiatives.
  • Supporting Access to SRH Services: We advocate for adolescents, youth, and women in humanitarian settings to access quality SRH services and implementation of Minimal Initial Service Package (MISP) services.
  • Promoting Gender Equality and Human Rights: Advocacy and awareness are central to our work.
  • Supporting grassroot youth-led initiatives and Community Based Organizations: We empower youth organizations through training, networking, and resource mobilization.
  • Increasing Awareness and Budget Making Processes: We use dialogues, training, advocacy, and lobbying to achieve this goal.
  • Promoting ESG Adoption: We raise awareness of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices including MISP among CSOs, the private sector, and counties.

Why We Exist

African Center For Health, Climate & Gender Justice Alliance (ACHCGA) exists to ignite a youth-led revolution for climate action. We envision a future where humanity and nature live in harmony, with a healthy planet empowering everyone to thrive, regardless of background or circumstance.

Grassroots Collaboration: We work directly with communities to ensure their voices are heard in climate action policies. We highlight their stories of resilience at the ground level, showcasing the power of local solutions.

National Collaboration:

  • Policy: We work with government officials at the national level to ensure that Kenya’s National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) are inclusive of both youth and gender perspectives
  • Capacity Building: We empower young advocates, including persons with disabilities, to become champions for change. We also collaborate with feminists at the national level to integrate their views on gender justice into national strategic plans

Global Collaboration:

  • UNFCCC Advocacy: Guided by strong ethical principles, we present our ideas on climate action at the Conference of the Parties (COP) meetings. We were actively involved in COP 28 in Dubai and continue to push for global change
  • Women and Gender Constituency & YOUNGO: We work with these UN groups to ensure global climate action strategies are inclusive of youth and gender perspectives
  • Technical Expertise: We contribute our knowledge and expertise to coalitions in Kenya and beyond, including the Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Join The Uprising

We are rewriting the narrative, not just for ourselves, but for generations to come. Together, we can build a future where a thriving Earth and empowered communities stand strong.

Become Part of the revolution!